Telegram rewards bot

Telegram Rewards Bot for Cardano

The Adage pool is proud to sponsor the Cardano Rewards Bot! The bot works for all pools, so you don't have to stake with Adage to get alerted when you receive rewards.

Click here to open the rewards bot on Telegram

Once you have registered your staking address, the bot will alert you about your rewards after each Cardano epoch. The bot has a few commands:

  • /help -- Help page.
  • /register [wallet_name_of_your_choice] [your_stake_address] -- Register your stake address to get alerts. The address needs to be Bech32.
  • /last [wallet_name] -- Last rewards for All your wallets or by wallet_name if you specify that.
  • /remove [wallet_name] -- Remove All wallets or a single wallet by wallet_name.
  • /wallets -- List all wallets.

The bot is not complicated to use, but some people struggle to figure out what their staking address is. Each Cardano wallet is different so I suggest you Google it. If you are delegated to Adage you might also be able to find your staking address on the delegators page (match address with your wallet balance). The bot's /help command also offers a few helpful suggestions for finding the staking address.

Who created the bot?

The bot was created (and is still maintained) by three ADAGE delegators (Brecht, Markov and Javier) who met in the ADAGE pool's Telegram group.

If you need support or have feedback, you can reach the developers on the bot's own Telegram group.

Pool details
Delegate now, Ticker:


You can delegate from Yoroi, Deadalus or AdaLite

1 Create a wallet and go to the delegation section.
2 Find the ADAGE ticker and delegate.
3 For some wallets you may need the pool-id
? See Get stated section for further assistance

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